The PGA And LIV Golf Decide To “Make Nice”

The subject today is golf – sort of.  It has little if anything to do with the game played by amateurs and professionals; it has only a passing relationship with the tournaments that many fans watch on weekends in the summertime; it has to do with settling the year-long spitting contest between the PGA and LIV Golf.  The two entities have merged; they now sit in serenity circles singing Kumbaya after each one declared the other to be demonic for the last year or so.

Judging from the commentaries in the immediate aftermath of the announcement of the merger, the opinion leaders here in the US who dwell on golf matters are most unhappy with this outcome.  Recall that almost all of these commentators have spent the entirety of the confrontation between the PGA and LIV Golf squarely on the side of the PGA and accused any and all persons who chose to align themselves with LIV Golf as lowlifes who accepted blood money from irredeemably evil folks in Saudi Arabia.  Yesterday, they learned that their champion in the fight had reversed course and has now chosen to “make nice” with those same irredeemably evil folks.  The commentators are not happy.

Sally Jenkins is – in my opinion – the best sports columnist of the day; she has been as avid a supporter of the PGA for the last year as anyone.  Here is the start of her column today in the Washington Post and here is a link to the entire column if you want to read all of what she has to say:

“What’s the going rate to turn an American executive into a boot boy for a despotic torturer such as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman? Just how worn out are the knees of PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan’s pants legs?

“But let’s start with this simple question first: Why would the PGA Tour join forces with a vermin-populated fourth-rate start-up such as LIV Golf, a comedic failure that can’t command any ratings, headed by that king of the white mice, Greg Norman?

“Bought. That’s the only word for Monahan and his henchies on the PGA Tour policy board, who have made an otherwise inexplicable — and still vague — deal to work with LIV and the European tour to form a new global enterprise, funded by the Saudis. They were bought. The only question is for how many bills.”

Maybe Ms. Jenkins is right; maybe the right word for all of this is “Bought”.  I think there are other possibilities, but I have exactly no inside information that might support those possibilities.  However, let me offer up one right here.

The PGA and LIV Golf have been engaged in a lawsuit that alleges that the PGA engages in practices that amount to “restraint of trade”.  That is not a trivial allegation.  So, is it not possible that the folks running the PGA decided that they did not want to take a chance with a jury in this matter and concluded that a merger which would make that lawsuit go away was the prudent course of action?  Maybe the PGA was “bought”; maybe they acted in a way to mitigate risk?

Here is another slant on that litigation.  My understanding of civil litigation – – and remember, I have never been to law school – – is that it seeks to make an injured party whole if the “injury” involved negligence or some other tortuous activity on the part of the perpetrator.  [Aside:  I have never quite understood how a monetary award made anyone “whole” in things like wrongful death suits since the victim there remains – you know – dead.  But set that aside for a moment…]  Lots of civil litigation is expensive in terms of the legal fees for representation and background information gathering; it seems to me that a case involving these allegations would be within the upper limits of legal costs and fees for the parties.

To be sure, the PGA is not a nickel-and-dime outfit.  However, if you want to compare the depth of the pockets for the combatants in that matter, the PGA is a pauper compared to the Saudi’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) which is estimated to have something north of $600B in assets.  Maybe, the PGA saw a path to a legal victory but that it would be a Pyrrhic victory that left it verging on bankruptcy?  Hence a merger?

Let me be clear.  I am not saying that either of my scenarios has a basis in reality.  What I am saying is that the media commentators who are so outraged this morning were not privy to any – let alone all – of the activities that led to the agreement to merge.  For now, this is analogous to a “he said/she said” situation and not all those sorts of situations turn out in the end to be what they were trumpeted to be at the beginning.

There are some clear winners in all this – – the golfers who took the outsized signing bonuses from LIV Golf suffered a year of ostracism and scorn but are now back on an equal footing with those who stayed with the PGA and did not get any signing bonus money.

There is a clear point of embarrassment that the PGA will try to sweep aside – – the PGA has aligned itself with the families of 9-11 victims as part of its previous attempts to paint the Saudi money for LIV Golf as blood money.  Explaining yesterday’s merger to those surviving family members should be dicey.

Golf fans are probably winners here too – – when they tune in to see a golf tournament other than the majors, they will get to see all the best golfers in the world not just some of them.  I am not a huge “golf fan” but I imagine that the measure for enjoyment for the Joe Flabeetz Invitational Tournament would be directly proportional to the number of recognizable names in the field.

One bit of bad news that may come out of this merger – – LIV Golf has a “team golf” concept baked into its tournaments.  Golf is not a team sport notwithstanding the Ryder Cup, the President’s Cup and the Who Gives A Rat’s Ass Cup.  If this merger results in the rise of “Team Golf” every weekend, that is not a plus.

Sally Jenkins attributes the merger to the fact that the PGA was “bought” by the LIV Golf folks.  By implication she attributes this decision to the money available to the LIV Golf folks.  At that level of abstraction, I agree with her; I prefer – at least until there is more information available – to think that a more accurate way to look at this is that “money talks and bulls[p]it walks.”

Finally, it seems to me that these remarks by Abraham Lincoln are a fitting way to close today:

“Discourage litigation.  Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can.  Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser – in fees, expenses and waste of time.  As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man.  There will still be business enough.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports………



Clipboard Items Today

Today will be a randomized trip through some of the items I have on my clipboard for “future use” in these rants.  If you think you have discovered a thread that goes through them, you may be certain that your discovery is not something I had in mind while assembling this.

The NFL continues to investigate instances where players or coaches or team officials have wagered improperly.  Lions’ WR, Jameson Williams, received a 6-game suspension for gambling activities and he has said that he had not been aware of the full extent of the NFL prohibitions there.  Last year, Calvin Ridley was suspended for the season for betting on his own team to win even though he was on injured reserve and could not possibly play in the game or affect its outcome.  So, what are the rules in effect here?

The prohibitions about gambling are codified in the CBA between the NFL and the NFLPA.  Here is a summary:

  • Football betting:  No way and no how.  Betting is prohibited on games, practices, the Draft, the Combine, futures, or props.  If the sport is football, forget about betting on it.
  • Other sports:  NFL personnel other than players are also forbidden to bet or facilitate betting on any other professional, college, international or amateur sport, tournament, or event.

Gambling at legal casinos involving table games seem to be OK for NFL players and wagers on horse or dog races create a grey area in that they are “professional” events but are not enumerated anywhere by the NFL mavens.  I think the rules are overly restrictive; I doubt that a revelation of a team scout betting on who will win The Masters is a threat to the integrity of NFL games; but those are the rules.  Even though I think they are overly restrictive, they are also very clear and anyone – – players or anyone else – – who risks all or part of their career by making sports wagers can only claim “misunderstanding” if simultaneously they admit abject stupidity.

A report yesterday said that a player for the Colts is under investigation for placing “hundreds of bets” from within the Colts’ facilities and that those wagers took place in 2022 and 2023.  Please note that these alleged activities came after the announcement of Calvin Ridley’s suspension meaning the accused player still “did not understand” the rules after that demonstration of the rules.  Time to cue in Bugs Bunny:

  • What a maroon!

Next up is an update on the sale of the Washington Commanders.  There are continuing reports that the Finance Committee has “problems” with the structure of Josh Harris’ bid to buy the team.  At some point, someone needs to whisper in the ear of those august members of the Committee that they need to tread a bit more lightly here because:

  • If they turn down the deal, they are stuck with Danny Boy and the public stench that he bears as one of their colleagues.
  • If they piss of Harris and his colleagues sufficiently, they may pull their bid off the table.  That attaches Danny Boy to the league to plus it could open the league up to litigation by Danny Boy should he be unable to find another buyer willing to pay $6.1B for his team.

Getting rid of Danny Boy has to be a plus for the other 31 owners and putting someone else in charge of the Commanders would make the league appear to be run by adults.  Two years ago, when the team chose to “rebrand itself” and went through a period calling themselves the Washington Football Team, they went about selecting a more permanent name.  After two years of thinking and investigating and strategizing, they came up with the Washington Commanders – – and then learned that the Patent and Trademark Office would not give the team a trademark for the name.  That boneheadedness does not dip into the pockets of the other 31 owners whose team names and logos are indeed trademarked, but it puts one more “dumbass chip” on the scales for one of the league franchises.

  • Memo to the NFL Finance Committee:  Get this deal done.  Now.

Along those lines, let me also opine that even if the Commanders are sold and the deal were to close this evening, there is a potential for Danny Boy to continue to intersect with the NFL down the road.  Jon Gruden has a lawsuit pending against the league; the NFL has tried to get the suit dismissed and – -failing that – – to force it into arbitration where the proceedings are not made public.  To date, the NFL has not been successful in those motions.  Critical to that suit are some 600,000 emails many of which were between Gruden and the former Skins’ team president, Bruce Allen.  Some of those emails were leaked and Gruden alleges that was the basis for his losing his job.

My point is not to try this case here.  My point is that if this becomes a public trial, those emails could easily become part of the public record.  The obvious question that would have to be answered is how did those emails leak; and since most of the leaked ones involved the time when Allen and Danny Boy were running the Skins, that could easily drag Danny Boy back into the same orbit as the NFL.  Oh joy!

Complicating that matter even further is that Bruce Allen and Danny Boy are no longer “besties”.  Allen filed an arbitration claim against Danny Boy and some accommodation was reached in the process even though the two sides do not agree on how that accommodation came to be.  The Gruden lawsuit will not “bring down” the NFL by any stretch of the imagination, but it has the potential to be a thorn in the foot and a huge source of embarrassment.

Finally, much of today has dealt with the foibles of very rich people so let me close with this observation about rich people by George Bernard Shaw:

“What is the matter with the poor is poverty; what is the matter with the rich is uselessness.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports………



History In The Making?

In the process of trying to follow the fits and starts of the potential move of the A’s from Oakland to Las Vegas, I neglected an important curmudgeonly duty.  The 2023 iteration of the Oakland A’s is a hot mess caught in the middle of a dumpster fire.

  • The season is almost 40% over and the A’s record is 12-49.
  • That is a winning percentage of .197.
  • For the season that projects to a final record of 32-130.

In baseball, the “Modern Era” is said to begin in 1900.  In the Modern Era, the worst record ever posted by a team in a season was that of the expansion NY Mets in 1962.  Those Mets went 42-120 over the season so if the A’s continue on anything close to their current trajectory, they will shatter that mark of infamy by a stunning margin.

In the entire history of MLB, the worst record ever was in 1899; the team was the Cleveland Spiders who went 20-134 for the season (winning percentage = .130).  But that record needs a giant asterisk because:

  • The owner of the Spiders also owned the St. Louis Browns.
  • He thought he could draw more fans in St. Louis with a good team.
  • So, he ‘traded” all the good players from the Spiders to the Browns.

Why might the A’s be able to eclipse the Mets’ record of futility this year?  Two current stats stand out here:

  1. The A’s run differential as of this morning is minus-212.  They have played 61 games; so, they are losing games on average by 3.48 runs.
  2. The A’s team ERA is 6.69.  The worst ERA in history was in 1930 when the Phillies’ staff pitched to an ERA of 6.60.

Bottom Line:  The A’s don’t score and they don’t get enough opponents out.

No one had high expectations for the A’s this year, but no one predicted a start to the season evidencing this level of ineptitude.  There are two teams for which there were high hopes in 2023 that have dramatically underperformed to date.

  1. St. Louis Cardinals:  Many folks assessed the Cards as the best team in a not-so-formidable NL Central Division.  As of this morning the Cards are dead last in that NL Central Division race at 25-35.  That puts them 7,5 games out of first place there and 2 games behind the Reds who are in 4th place.
  2. San Diego Padres:  Back in March, the Padres were seen as a team poised to challenge the Dodgers’ dominance in the NL West.  As of this morning the Padres trail the Dodgers – – and the D-Backs too – – by 7.5 games and the Padres are 5 games under .500.  The team is loaded with talent but seems not to be able to “put the pieces together” even though reports have it that the Padres have had three player-only meetings.

In the tradition here of looking at both sides of the coin, there are also two teams that have done surprisingly well to this point of the season:

  1. Arizona Diamondbacks:  Expectations for the D-Backs were not high in March; most prognosticators had them fighting it out with the Rockies for 4th place in the NL West.  As of this morning they have the same record as the Dodgers atop that division; both teams are 35-25 to this point of the season.  The Dodgers are winning by bludgeoning opponents; the Dodgers’ run differential is +55.  The D-Backs are winning by scraping by; the D-Backs run differential is only +19.
  2. Texas Rangers:  Before the season began, most folks had the AL West as a race between the Astros and the Mariners with the Ranges running a respectable third to those teams.  Right now, the Rangers lead the Astros by 3.5 games and have the second-best record in MLB – – behind only the Rays.  Even more than the Dodgers, the Rangers are winning by dramatically outscoring opponents; the Rangers have by far the best run differential in MLB at a stunning +152.

As noted above, the season is only about 40% in the books; so, these comments reflect more than the kinds of things one might see in the first month of a season.  But the baseball playoffs are still not in focus out there on the horizon; there is plenty of time for disappointing teams to right the ship or for over-achievers to come back to Earth.  The only “certainty” for the 2023 MLB season right now seems to be that:

  • The Oakland A’s will stink!
  • But will they stink to the point that they will “historically stink”?

Finally, Casey Stengel knows a few things about winning and losing in MLB.  So, let me close today with three of his observations:

“Good pitching will always stop good hitting and vice-versa.”

And …

“Most ballgames are lost, not won.”

And …

“Going to bed with a woman never hurt a ballplayer.  It’s staying up all night looking for them that does you in.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports………



Punishment – – But Where’s the Crime?

Recent reports say that the NBA and Commissioner Adam Silver are “nearing the end” of the investigation into what all happened regarding Ja Morant and his second gun-waving incident, but the Commish says he does not want to disrespect the two teams in the NBA Finals by breaking news that would take attention away from those Finals’ combatants. If that were really the case, Adam Silver would not have even said what he did because what he said took attention away from the NBA Finals.

The NY Post quoted Silver saying the following prior to the tip-off in Game 1 of the NBA Finals:

“We’ve uncovered a fair amount of additional information.  We probably could have brought it to a head now, but we’ve made the decision that it would be unfair to these players and these teams to announce that decision in the middle of this series.”

Maybe I am too dumb to grasp the significance here, but I have no idea what sort of investigation is so important here.  Since the police have not charged Morant with possession of an unregistered handgun – – which is sort of obvious in both of his “flashing incidents” captured on cell phone video – – I must assume that he is licensed to own the gun and to carry it on his person.  If that assumption is correct, then Ja Morant has not broken any laws, nor has he done anything other than demonstrate that he is an immature young man who appears to lack self-control.

So, how does an investigation into that sort of stuff lead the Commissioner to say:

“I don’t think we yet know what it will take to change his [Morant’s] behavior,”

Adam Silver is an adult who ought to realize that he is not going to change Ja Morant’s behavior until and unless Ja Morant is open to having his behavior changed.  Silver can suspend him and not allow him to participate in any NBA activities thereby taking away Morant’s source of income.  Maybe that would convince Morant to be open to changing his behavior; maybe not.  But I wonder why Adam Silver seems to think that it is his responsibility to change Ja Morant’s behavior and why he thinks he might succeed in that endeavor once he tries.  Meanwhile:

  • Memo to Ja Morant:  When you are out and about with your entourage, collect everyone’s cell phone and put them in your pocket so they cannot take videos of you.
  • And do not video yourself.
  • You’re welcome!

Moving on …  Tom Brady is in the process of seeking NFL approval to buy a minority interest in the Las Vegas Raiders and that has created speculation that he might be the QB for the Raiders starting in September.  Brady continues to deny this and there would be hurdles he would have to cross to get approval to be an owner/player, but those hurdles are not insurmountable.  Brady continues to assert that he is “retired for good” and that he is not interested in another “unretirement”.  Here is what he had to say on that matter:

“But I’m looking forward to my broadcasting job at Fox next year.  I’m looking forward to the opportunity ahead with the Raiders and we’re in the process of that along with the other different things that I’m a part of professionally and in my personal life.”

And …

“Just spending as much time with my kids as I can and seeing them grow up and support the different things that they have going on, and that’s a very important job. And I take them all pretty seriously.”

I am on record saying that I do not believe that Tom Brady will be a great color analyst for NFL games on TV.  Obviously, he knows the game extremely well and he is clearly bright and articulate; those are fundamental elements that go into being a great color analyst.  However, I think there are two factors that work against him and the second of those factors is reflected in his statements above:

  1. Tom Brady has been in hundreds of press events after games and proximal to training camp activities.  As I have watched many of them, I never got the impression that Brady was enjoying himself.  Some folks love being on camera and behind a microphone; Tom Brady does not look like one of those sorts of folks to me.
  2. More importantly, Tom Brady says he wants to be with his kids as much of the time as possible.  Well, NFL color analysts don’t get a lot of “home games” where they can spend multiple weekdays at home with their families.  Moreover, NFL color analysts do not just “helicopter in” for the broadcast(s) on Sundays; the preparation and production meetings often begin on Thursdays meaning he will be away from his kids most of the week from around Labor Day until late January of the next year.

I think that is a tough exacta to deal with.  I don’t think he will be doing something he loves to do, and I think that something will take him away from his kids more than just a little bit.  As that “exacta” begins to manifest itself, it would not be shocking if Tom Brady came to the personal realization that TV was not his calling in life.  And if that happens, his performance will deteriorate simply because people rarely do well when they do not like what they are doing.  This is not a knock on Tom Brady; this is simply not the way human beings are wired.

Finally, I woke up this morning with this quotation in my mind for no apparent reason.  So, let me close with it even though it has nothing to do with anything above.  It is from General George S. Patton:

“Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.  He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports………



NBA Finals Start Tonight

The Nuggets and the Heat will tip off for Game 1 of the NBA Finals tonight at 8:30 EDT.  The recently concluded Eastern Conference Final series was a TV monster for the NBA setting more than a few records for audience size along the way.  Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals averaged 11.3 million viewers and that number had to be drawn down to some extent by the blowout in Game 7 meaning some fans turned the game off before it ended.  I suspect that the Finals will have difficulty living up to that standard as a TV property even though I expect that the audience size will be significant.

Jerry Brewer is a national sports columnist for the Washington Post, and this is his lead paragraph for a column in today’s sports Section:

“During these NBA Finals, basketball will have to be enough. There are no championship-collecting icons to obsess over, no dynasties to dissect, no obvious pizazz to entice casual followers to join the avid. It’s just the Denver Nuggets and the Miami Heat — two teams full of substance but lacking garnish — ready to give the sport what it needs, even if some of the audience may not want it.”

He’s right.  This series will be about basketball on the court and not about grand philosophical considerations.  Both teams play sound, fundamental basketball and you are not going to see any players on the court “dogging it” for very long because both coaches will pull any player doing so.  This will be a steak and baked potato type of Series not a chateaubriand and scalloped potato type.

Switching gears …  Think back about a year or so to the story about wealthy parents trying to buy their kids’ way into prestigious schools by getting a coach of a minor sport to tell the admissions people that the kid was a potential athlete.  The involvement of various celebrities gave the story panache and when those minor celebs plead guilty to various charges the story was refreshed and imprinted on peoples’ minds.  Well, a recent twist in that story seems not to have gotten nearly the same amount of “splash coverage”.

It turns out that two men chose not to plead guilty to a variety of charges and went to trial.  A jury convicted them of a whole bunch of things and the defendants appealed that conviction.  A US Court of Appeals recently ruled 3-0 to set aside all the charges against one defendant and all but one charge against the other defendant.  [Aside:  The conviction that was upheld was for filing a false tax return.]

That whole investigation and set of charges for violating Federal Laws always struck me as an edifice balanced on a knife edge.  It never occurred to me that the US Congress in its infinitesimal wisdom would have even tried to legislate what a parent could or could not do regarding college admission applications.  Of course, because the presumed ne’er-do-wells in this case were either very rich or had celebrity status, this generated public agita and the process went forward.

I am going to say something here that sounds very elitist.  I do not intend it to be elitist, but I do believe that it is American reality in 2023:

  • Kids with rich parents have specific and tangible advantages over kids with poor parents in many arenas – – including college admissions.  That may offend sensibilities but that cannot be made illegal.

Allow me to give a specific example here.  Phil Knight is the co-founder and “Chairman-Emeritus” of Nike.  Forbes says that his net worth is $41.7B.  Knight is an alum of the University of Oregon and according to reports he has donated more than $1B to the University of Oregon for things such as the renovation of the school library and the construction of a law school facility.  In addition, his gifts to the school also funded major athletic department projects.

Now, imagine for a moment that Phil Knight has a grandchild – – gender does not matter here – – and that child decides to apply for admission to the University of Oregon.  Imagine the applicant is simply that – – an applicant – – with no outstanding athletic or academic prowess in evidence.  The kid is a good student, (s)he has not had any police run-ins; (s)he is the classic alter ego of your friendly neighborhood super-hero.  Question:

  • What are that child’s chances for acceptance by the University of Oregon?

The answer is 100% – – and there is nothing wrong with that.  The difference between my hypothetical here and the celebrated cases from about a year ago is that Knight did not make those contributions with a specific grandchild’s admission in mind – – even though he virtually guaranteed such a result absent a felony conviction for the applicant.  What those rich parents from a year ago are actually guilty of is stupidity.  Instead of trying to pay off some minor sports coach or athletic department factotum to get an edge in the admissions process, they should have dug into their wallets and made a six-figure donation to the school’s general fund.

Stupidity is not against the law – – and if it were, the biggest growth sector of the economy would be in prison construction.  The US Court of Appeals thinks that is the case.  The judge writing for the decision to set aside the convictions also said:

“Nothing in this opinion should be taken as approval of the defendants’ conduct in seeking college admission for their children.  We do not say the defendants’ conduct is at all desirable.”

Finally, having mentioned stupidity above, let me close with this assessment by Albert Einstein:

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports………



Change Is Looming …

I have commented frequently on the potential move of the Oakland A’s to Las Vegas.  As long as 4 or 5 years ago, I said that the team needed a new place to play when I read reports that a sewage backup delivered wastewater to the dugouts in the Oakland Coliseum for the second time in a season.  There have been fits and starts in the plans to move or to build a new stadium in Oakland, but the scene now appears to favor the team moving to Las Vegas.  It’s not a done deal – – but it sure looks as if that is how it will all end.

John Feinstein had a column in the Washington Post recently under this headline:

As greedy owners abandon Oakland, fans are innocent bystanders

From that headline, it is not difficult to fathom which side of this issue Messr. Feinstein favors and I agree that the A’s owners have not behaved like model citizens throughout all of this.  Nonetheless, there are multiple sides to this story.

  • The existing facility is unsatisfactory; it must be replaced.
  • The officials in Oakland could not come to any agreement with the team about obtaining/building a new facility over a period of at least 5 years and maybe 10.
  • The team’s lease runs out after 2024.

Call the owners greedy and I will agree with you.  Try to exonerate the city officials in Oakland by putting all the blame on the owners and I will completely disagree with you.  Moreover, the fans are not innocent bystanders.

  • 2022:  A’s average home attendance = 8,283 fans per game
  • 2023:  A’s average home attendance = 8,750 fans per game
  • Earlier this season the Oakland Soul – – a minor league women’s soccer team – – out-drew the A’s on the same night.

Notwithstanding the headline on John Feinstein’s column, the fans are not “innocent bystanders”.  They are ignoring the A’s and have been for at least the last two seasons.  Maybe they are staying away because the facility is so dreadful – – but if that is the case then add the City Fathers of Oakland to the blame list.  The bottom line here is that there are no heroes in the saga; there is plenty of blame to throw around.  If you want to follow John Feinstein’s reasoning to see how he comes to his conclusion, here is the link to his column.

Switching gears …  There is a report this morning that the University of Colorado held “substantive talks” with representatives of the Big-12 conference and that Colorado is considering a jump from the PAC-12 to the Big-12.  Right now, the only reason that Colorado athletics is particularly interesting is the fact that Deion Sanders took over the football coaching job there last winter.  In and of itself, Colorado is not a big-ticket item for the Big-12 – – but Colorado might just be the way for the Big-12 to expand to a point where it virtually puts the PAC-12 out of business as a Power 5 Conference.

When the PAC-12 lost USC and UCLA to the Big-10, it dealt a serious blow to that conference because those defections cost the PAC-12 a huge portion of its television base in the LA area and that is where the big money comes from.  Please forget for a moment all the fantastic memories of athletic glory for the conference and the great traditions and rivalries of the remaining schools in the conference; those are all nice, but they don’t feed the bulldog.

There have been rumors for months that the Big-12 covets the so-called “Four Corners’ Schools” currently in the PAC-12 – – Colorado, Utah, Arizona and Arizona St.  If they were to convince those four schools to jump to the Big 12 it would accomplish the following:

  • It would give the Big 12 representation in all four time zones for the Lower 48.
  • It would remove what is now the second largest TV market (Phoenix) from what remains of the PAC-12.
  • It would leave the PAC-12 with only 6 teams and only 1 TV market in the Top 10 in the country.

As I said above, Colorado is not the “grand prize” in this saga, Arizona State with its TV market ranked 11th in the country is the big fish in the pond.  But Colorado has linkage to the Big-12 because it used to be part of the Big-12 even in those days when the Big 12 was merely the Big-8.

Imagine for just a moment that the PAC-12 lost the “Four Corners’ Schools”.  Left with only 6 schools, the conference would have to try to add schools and that will present a problem for the Conference.  It is difficult to come up with a list of 6 schools that the Conference might add such that the PAC-12 maintains a semblance of “Power-5 status”.  The remaining schools would be:

  1. Cal
  2. Stanford
  3. Oregon
  4. Oregon St.
  5. Washington
  6. Washington St.

What might fit with that footprint?

  • San Diego St. – – probably – – captures some of the already lost LA market.
  • Boise St. – – OK – – team is best known for its blue artificial playing surface.
  • Hawaii – – Wow – – lots of traveling to be done there.
  • New Mexico St. – – Wow – – they were asked to leave the Mountain West
  • Idaho – – Not likely – – they have dropped down to Division 1-AA
  • Utah St. – – OK – – not quite a replacement for Utah, but better than nothing
  • Fresno St. – – OK – – geographically better than other possibilities
  • UNLV – – maybe/maybe not?

This is off the top of my head; I have probably ignored a school or two that might be of positive benefit to a PAC-12 in need of expansion.  Nevertheless, any new additions here would not replace the two teams that are already gone from the PAC-12 plus the loss of the “Four Corners’ Schools”.

Finally, let me close here with this entry from The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm:

Confucius:  Chinese philosopher from 551 BC.  Known for his inspiring and humanistic quotations such as ‘Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without,’ or ‘No matter where you go, there you are,’ and ‘I can’t believe you morons think this crap is profound’.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports………



Get Ready for Nuggets Versus Heat

The Boston Celtics and the Miami Heat put on a memorable series in the NBA Eastern Conference Finals.  The Heat won the first three games and then the Celtics won the next three.  In a Game 7 that might have been the first time an NBA team had come back from a 3-0 deficit to win a playoff series, the Heat prevailed 103-84 in Boston.  Jimmy Butler was named the MVP of the Eastern Conference Finals and I doubt that many folks would argue with that selection.

Last week, I mentioned the Sixers and their rebuilding activity that came to be called “The Process”.  My conclusion then was that amassing high draft picks to staff the core of an excellent team “down the road” sounds like a reasonable strategic approach but it demands that those high draft selections turn out to be very good NBA players who are happy to be with the team that drafted then.  In the Sixers’ case, that was not the outcome by a long shot.  Here is the link to my rant from last week enumerating the problematic draft picks.

However, the results of this year’s Eastern Conference Finals point to another personnel decision made by the Sixers that was just plain wrong.  In 2019, the Sixers decided to trade Jimmy Butler to the Heat in a multi-player and multi-team deal.  In doing that, the Sixers chose to keep Tobias Harris instead of Jimmy Butler.  Harris is a fine player; Butler is an even better player.  What the Sixers got in return in that trade was nothing close to a replacement for Butler and it is now clear that the decision to trade Butler was another ill-conceived personnel move by the Sixers’ management who were overseeing “The Process”.

In any event, congratulations to the Miami Heat as they prepare for the Finals against the Denver Nuggets…

Last week, I also wrote about the passing of Jim Brown and his football accomplishments.  David Whitley had this note about Jim Brown in his column in the Gainesville Sun:

“RIP Jim Brown. Of all his athletic accomplishments, the most astounding was that he was making only $60,000 a year when he retired over a contract dispute with Cleveland in 1966. Browns QB Deshaun Watson now pays that much every week to massage therapists.”

The English Premier League season is over and there are a few surprises and a very positive story based on the results.  The top seven finishers in the EPL this year will get to participate in European competition next season.  Two names are missing from this year’s list of the “Top 7” that are normally there.  Neither Chelsea nor Tottenham made the cut this year.

  • Tottenham finished 8th in the league and missed out on 7th place by a single point.
  • Chelsea finished 12th in the EPL this year, a full 17 points behind the 7th place finisher, Aston Villa.

At the bottom of the standings, three EPL teams get relegated to the Championship League next year.  One of those teams being “sent down” was Leicester City who won the EPL outright in 2016.  It is quite a fall from first place to relegation – – but the relegation and promotion system used in the English leagues creates a heartwarming story this year.

Three teams from the Championship League get “promoted” to the EPL to replace the three relegated teams.  The three promoted teams this year are:

  • Burnley
  • Sheffield United
  • Luton Town.

And Luton Town is the story …  In 2009, Luton Town was relegated to the Fifth Tier of English Football.  In baseball terms, this is equivalent to a Class A rookie league; basically, fifth tier football isn’t really a league; it’s a bunch of teams that play one another in a tournament fashion to determine which teams can join the fourth tier to replace the relegated teams there.  Luton Town was in a shambles and was accused of “financial irregularities”; they spent 5 years in that Fifth Tier of English football.

In 2014 they “got the call-up” to the lowest level of league football – League Two.  They were promoted to League One in the next year and then to the Championship League in 2020.  And now, they are in the EPL having won a tournament among four teams in the Championship with the winner getting the third promotion slot.  And even that game was dramatic.

  • Luton Town beat Coventry City in that tournament playoff game on penalty kicks 6-5.

Luton Town has been competing in various leagues – – and non-leagues – – since 1885.  Next season will be their first time competing at the EPL level.  Luton is located just north of London.  There may have been no joy in Mudville, but there must be plenty of joy in Luton this week.

Finally, I will close today with a couplet by Ogden Nash:

“I myself am more and more inclined to agree with Omar and Satchell Paige as I grow older.

“Don’t try to rewrite what the moving finger has writ and don’t look over your shoulder.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports……….



Who Knows?

I don’t know if today’s list of topics qualifies as a mélange, a mishmash or a hodgepodge.  What I do know is that it will be bouncing around randomly.

Carmelo Anthony announced his retirement from professional basketball ending a 20-year career in the NBA.  He appeared in 1260 games averaging 22.5 points per game.  He played in 6 different cities and may have had one good defensive stop in each of those cities, but the jury is out on that pronouncement.

LeBron James and the Lakers were swept from the NBA playoffs by the Denver Nuggets.  LeBron could be nudging close to soap opera status in the off-season if stories related to him in the immediate aftermath of the Lakers’ elimination “get legs” so to speak:

  • One report has it that LeBron played through a foot/leg injury in the late season and may need surgery that will keep him out of the early part of next season.
  • Some reports have it that the Lakers might want to trade LeBron and that he might be willing to accept a trade to a team that might get him another championship ring.
  • Several reports speculated that he would retire.  Upon hearing that rumor, Dwight Howard “urged” LeBron to come and join him in the Taiwanese Basketball League.

[Aside:  Given LeBron’s ties to Nike and shoes made in the Peoples’ Republic of China, he will play basketball on Mars before he plays in Taiwan.]

Given just a few more speculative pieces about LeBron and he might qualify to play quarterback for the Green Bay Packers…

A TV station in Las Vegas reported that a deal has been struck that will move the Oakland A’s to Las Vegas.  The new stadium there to house the team will cost $1.5B and the deal is described as:

“… a public-private partnership that “includes public financing constituting less than 25 percent of the cost,”

Here is the reason to curb your enthusiasm.  This announcement comes from the Governor’s Office in Nevada, but the financing must come through the Nevada State Legislature and a bill to provide such funding has yet to be introduced let alone debated or approved.  This is certainly a step in the direction of moving the A’s out of Oakland and into Las Vegas; but still, keep Yogi Berra in mind:

  • It ain’t over ‘till it’s over!

Here is a link to the report from that Las Vegas TV station:

A while back, I mentioned that George Washington University decided to change its nickname.  No longer will they be “The Colonials”; they have chosen to become “The Revolutionaries” instead.  This “tempest in a spittoon” has been ongoing for almost 5 years on campus with students objecting to the name “Colonials” because:

“Colonials were active purveyors of colonialism and were complicit in militarized and racialized violence, oppression and hierarchy.  Colonialism has historically and contemporaneously built upon usurping land, labor and autonomy from racialized communities through dehumanizing violence and suppression.”

Here is my reaction to that statement:

  1. “Colonials were active purveyors of colonialism…”  That is tautological nonsense.  That is equivalent to saying, “The longer it takes, the longer it takes.”
  2. How will changing the name of a university affect in even the smallest way the folks who suffered “dehumanizing violence” as their “land, labor and autonomy” were usurped?
  3. The new nickname – – The Revolutionaries – – usurped land and autonomy to create a nation where college students could engage in this sort of fanciful thinking.  Oh, and by the way, those Revolutionaries inflicted more than a little violence in the process.
  4. These activists who brought about this change are not opposed to violence or usurpation.  They just chose sides in two disputes and decided that violence and usurpation were OK if it was perpetrated by their side but not OK if it was perpetrated by the other side.

Somewhere in the afterlife, I picture George Washington looking upon this multi-year debate at his eponymous university and asking himself:

  • This is what we fought for?”

Finally, as the activists have succeeded in being revolutionaries and achieving their objective of a name-change, let me offer this closing remark from the playwright, Tom Stoppard:

“I learned three things in Zurich during the war.  I wrote them down.  Firstly, you’re either a revolutionary or you’re not, and if you’re not you might as well be an artist as anything else.  Secondly, if you can’t be an artist, you might as well be a revolutionary … I forget the third thing.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports………




Yesterday, the rant here dealt with the outcome of a lunch discussion with a friend.  After posting it, I went about my normal routine of grazing through an assortment of sports news sites to do some notetaking.  I casually glanced at my email inbox and saw a note from my friend who accused me of an ulterior motive for my participation in our lunches.  He sees it as me using him as mental stimulation when I am running short of topics for these rants.

And in a spasm of generosity, he sent along the link to an old Sports Illustrated article that he said, “just might make you think enough to write about it.”  He warned me that it was a long article but that he thought it contained useful though dated information.  Obviously, I hit the link…

The column was written in March 2009 by Pablo S. Torre.  His authorship alone would have made me interested in finding out what he had to say about a sports topic; Messr. Torre is a top-shelf writer and thinker.  Here is the headline for the piece:



Here is a recitation of how pro athletes had run into rough times financially just in the month in which this article was written:

“In this month alone Saints alltime leading rusher Deuce McAllister filed for bankruptcy protection for the Jackson, Miss., car dealership he owns; Panthers receiver Muhsin Muhammad put his mansion in Charlotte up for sale on eBay a month after news broke that his entertainment company was being sued by Wachovia Bank for overdue credit-card payments; and penniless former NFL running back Travis Henry was jailed for nonpayment of child support.”

And here is even more shocking data:

“By the time they have been retired for two years, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce.

“Within five years of retirement, an estimated 60% of former NBA players are broke.”

Remember, this report came at a time when the US economy was just beginning to recover from the “Crisis of 2008”.  That might explain some of the “current events at that time” but the data related to NFL and NBA players cited here means there is a lot more going on than a recession.

It appears that athletes who come upon lots and lots of money at an early age have a few things going against them:

  1. They do not realize that at least a third and maybe as much as half of their salary will go to taxes levied by various jurisdictions.
  2. They do not understand the language of finances and investing so they are talked into bad investments that are made to sound good.
  3. They find it difficult to say, “No,” to old friends, newfound friends and extended family members who need/want something from them.

Ed Butowsky was cited in the report as someone who was trying to educate young newly rich athletes about how to spend some of their money and how to invest the rest.  He sets up “financial boot camps” for athletes which they can attend free of charge and where he tries to educate them financially.  Here is his assessment of the situation back in 2009:

“The bar for radically improving the financial habits of pro athletes, Butowsky acknowledges, is low enough for a toddler to trip over.”

The vignettes in this report are shocking and dumbfounding.  Some of the incidents reported sound as if they came out of a scriptwriter’s imagination as he set the plot for a gangster movie.  As my friend said, you should read this LONG report; you will shake your head in disbelief at least a half-dozen times.

At this point I would normally provide a link to the article but somehow when I try to do that the link does not work when I put it on the website.  However, necessity is the mother of invention; and I have a way for you to find the report simply and quickly:

  • Go to and search on:
      • “Pablo S. Torre, SI article, athletes gone broke”

When I do that, the link to this article is the first thing that pops up thanks to Google.  [Aside:  Should we consider everything before Google as The Dark Ages?}

The upshot today is that my friend was right, and he was wrong in his email to me.  I do not go to lunch with him only because I am running out of things to write about – – even if I used him as inspiration again this morning.  However, he was dead right that this was an important and useful thing for me to read.

Finally, let me close today with three observation(s) from my favorite curmudgeon, H. L. Mencken:

“For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.”

And …

“On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

And …

“An idealist is one who, on noticing that roses smell better than a cabbage, concludes that it also will make better soup.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports………



The Rise Of The Machines?

I recently had lunch with an old friend.  We do that sort of thing aperiodically; but when we get together the event is “scripted”.  We meet at the same restaurant; we tell the server to take her/his time because we are going to be there for a while.  We order an adult beverage, ask perfunctory questions about the families and then spend the next two hours talking sports.  That sequence is about as reliable as death, taxes and Stephan A. Smith getting outraged over something/anything at around 10:00 AM ET every weekday.

We were lamenting the negative effect that analytics has had on baseball – – actually we were lamenting the slavish addiction to analytics that is hurting baseball.  It seems that more and more managers fail to recognize that the game taking place in front of them on a given day is not an average game nor one that necessarily fits a trend.  What used to be called “over-managing” when Alvin Dark and Gene Mauch were in opposite dugouts has now become too much sway given to the “numbers nerds”.

And then the conversation took a dark turn.  We wondered how long it will be until Artificial Intelligence wiggles its way into sports.  I certainly do not want that day to happen any time soon, but I must admit that having AI fiddle with sporting events is a lot less threatening than having AI fiddle with the nuclear launch codes.  We sort of agreed that AI would probably not find as comfortable a perch in sports like basketball or ice hockey or soccer but that there might be niches for it to occupy in baseball and in football.  Since our lunch was proximal to the last NFL Draft, my friend asked if AI might not become a contributor for some teams as they construct their draft boards.

I think he has hit upon a role for AI in an important NFL event because the Draft is indeed an important way to build a roster – – and – – blown draft picks and derail a “team on the rise” rather quickly.  When you consider that half of the first-round picks in a typical NFL Draft will not pan out nearly to the extent expected, it would seem as if any sort of a “boost” from outside would be welcomed and adopted.

Let me get a disclaimer in here quickly:

  • Neither my friend nor I would qualify even as naïfs when it comes to AI.

If indeed Artificial Intelligence can learn on its own beyond the coded rules that set up the foundational machinery, then maybe the large computing power of an AI system can digest game film from college players and more accurately project those skills and abilities to a benchmark NFL level.  I am not talking here about a computer’s ability to measure things more accurately than a human can; I don’t think it matters all that much if Player A has a reaction time that is a hundredth of a second faster than Player B.  But perhaps an AI system might be able to assimilate a far greater number of observable variables and make connections that have gone unrecognized to date.

Even more “radical” might be an AI system that looked at the observables that make for successful NFL players.  Call it an idealized player sort of like a reference electrode in electrochemistry.  If a team were to think it had a handle on what sorts of things it took physically, mentally and in terms of character to become a successful NFL player, it could then have a template by which it might evaluate potential draftees.

Before you tell us this is all pie in the sky, remember what the current modus operandi produces:

  • Half of the FIRST-ROUND picks will be mediocre at best in the NFL.

The standard that an AI system has to meet or beat is not all that stringent.

Moving on …  There will be two new rules in effect for NFL games this year.  Hopefully, one of them will never need to come into play and the other of them will not come into play universally.  Call the first one the “2022 NFC Championship Game Rule”.  Recall that the Niners lost both of their QBs to injury in that game and basically played out the string without a QB who had college experience at the position.  That situation is not difficult to fix, and the owners have installed a new rule to take care of it.  Actually, what the owners did was to go back to an older rule:

  • Up until 2012, teams would dress 45 players for a game and an “emergency QB” who could only enter the game in prescribed ways.
  • Then the NFL just expanded the roster number to 46 and let teams decide if they wanted an “emergency QB” or if they preferred an “extra DB”.
  • Now, the teams will be allowed to dress 46 players PLUS an “emergency QB”.

Presumably, that is a solved problem…

The other rule change should drastically reduce the number of kickoff return attempts.  At present, a kickoff that goes out of the end zone is put in play at the 25 yardline.  Under a new rule this year, any returner can call for a fair catch at any point on the field behind the 25 yardline and the ball will still be put in play at the 25 yardline.  Seemingly, the objective here is minimize the number of kickoff returns which are considered to be less safe than ordinary plays from scrimmage.

I hope this does not remove the kickoff return from the game entirely.  This is the rule in college football and the number of return attempts at that level is significantly smaller than in the NFL.  I am not sure if I like this change or not …

Finally, having opined today on AI, let me close with this from F. Scott Fitzgerald on how to measure real intelligence:

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”

But don’t get me wrong, I love sports………